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2024 Walk Kickoff Video
2024 Walk to Cure Arthritis Kickoff
Take a look back at 2023’s biggest successes, see what’s new and exciting this season and meet our honorees.
This is your first stop by registering for the upcoming Walk event in your area. Sign up. Form a team. Get in the lineup to help conquer arthritis — individually or as a team.
Register TodayDonate
Make a donation yourself. Your example will trigger even more donations to conquer arthritis. Consider starting with $60 to represent the nearly 60 million Americans who battle arthritis.
Donate NowRecruit
Your contacts can help grow the arthritis movement and change the future. Invite others to donate and spread the word for an even bigger impact. Let’s conquer arthritis together!
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2024 National Honoree
Sammy’s Superstar Family
This Walk to Cure Arthritis Honoree’s SJIA diagnosis fuels her parents’ drive to raise awareness of arthritis.
Read Her Story2024 National Honoree
“He Had All These Great New Friends”
Meeting other kids with JA, like him, was a game-changer for Grady. Now he’s a Walk To Cure Arthritis Honoree.
Read His Story

2024 National Honoree
This Teen Embraces the Cause
Cameron, a Walk to Cure Arthritis Honoree, puts his entrepreneurial skills to work for the arthritis community.
Read His Story2023 Walk to Cure Arthritis Awards
2023 Walk to Cure Arthritis Awards
Our 2023 Walk to Cure Arthritis really rocked! Check out our celebration of amazing fundraising successes and top rockstars across the county. Highlights include top teams and individual fundraisers, sponsor and corporate engagement recognition, top events and the most inspiring storytellers. Thank you to everyone for your incredible work in 2023. Your efforts will have a lasting impact on the arthritis community. Let’s celebrate!