8 Ways to Lose Weight Without Dieting

Try these small steps to drop excess pounds that may help take pressure off painful joints.

1. 8 Ways to Lose Weight Without Dieting
Losing extra weight may help you look better, but more importantly, it can take pressure off painful joints and improve overall health. Research shows overweight people with arthritis who lose 10% of their weight have better mobility and 50% less pain. Try these small steps to drop excess pounds and get big health results.
2. Plate Picks
Use smaller dishes to reduce how much you eat by as much as 20%. Plate and portion sizes have increased over time, so you may be eating more than you realize – most people eat and drink more when served larger portions. And make sure dish color contrasts with the food on it; research shows people eat more when food is the same color as the plate.
3. Water Wise
Americans get more than a fifth of their daily calories just from beverages, so switching to water is a smart weight-loss move. Research shows that drinking water before meals can make you feel fuller, which can help shed pounds, too.
4. Slumber to Slim
Poor sleep triggers a part of the brain that controls urges to eat and staying up late increases cravings for unhealthy foods, so people tend to eat more after a bad night and make poor food choices later at night. What’s more, sleep deprivation can slow the body’s production of leptin, which makes you feel full, and amps up the hunger hormone ghrelin.
5. Group Activity
Team up with friends or join a group that’s also working to lose weight. Doing so can provide encouragement and motivation. One study shows people who teamed up with successful dieters were 20% more likely to succeed.
6. On the Other Hand
If you’re right-handed, use your left hand to eat (and vice versa). Research suggests that people eat less when they use their non-dominant hand, partly because they’re less likely to munch mindlessly. It’s likely you will also eat more slowly. Scientists say eating slowly will allow time for your stomach to transmit a feeling of fullness to your brain, which can ultimately help you eat less.
7. Slow is Good
Eat mindfully, focusing on and savoring each bite without distractions like watcing TV. People can cut their daily consumption by 300 calories by eating more slowly and giving their brain time to register how full they feel, according to one study.
8. Move to Lose
Cutting calories can help you lose weight, but it also can slow down your metabolism. It’s better to combine physical activity with a nutritious diet to achieve or maintain a healthy weight. Walking and water aerobics are great, low-impact exercises, but talk to your doctor before you get started.
9. Tools You Can Use
Need tips and resources to help you maintain a healthy, balanced diet and weight? Check out more ways to eat well at

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