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Bella’s Story 

Bella has never been in remission, and the trial and error of medications have not alleviated her pain. Bella hopes for a cure one day and greater awareness of arthritis and its impact on children.  

Bella is 9 years old and was diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) at the age of two. She was also diagnosed with uveitis, which impacts her eyes.  

Bella is very outgoing and loves to play softball. She’s a member of her student council and her long-term dream is to be an actress. To help her live an active lifestyle, Bella endures monthly infusions and takes a variety of pills and supplements daily to manage her joint pain. Unfortunately, Bella has never been in remission and the trial and error of medications has not yet alleviated all her pain. Bella hopes for a cure one day and greater awareness of the disease and its impact on children.