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Mackenzie’s Story 

Mackenzie’s parents were shocked when their 3-year-old was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. While she’s currently in remission, she still experiences flares and painful days. 

When Mackenzie’s parents noticed her right wrist was red and swollen, they immediately took her to see her pediatrician. The initial thoughts were Lyme disease, a sprained wrist or a cyst, but doctors tested her for arthritis as a last resort.  

Mackenzie’s parents were shocked when their 3-year-old was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA). She has taken many different medications since her diagnosis. She’s suffered through flares and newly affected joints.  

Currently, with the proper medication, active lifestyle and healthy diet, she is in remission. There are still many painful days where leaving the couch is painful, but she does it with a smile, knowing she is stronger than arthritis.