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Rise and Shine: Stress-Free Mornings With Arthritis

Simple tips to help streamline your back-to-school morning routine.

By Mary Anne Dunkin and Bryan D. Vargo

As a parent with arthritis, you know that heading back to school after summer break always requires some major adjustments to routines. Mornings can be especially tough on stiff and painful joints. If your morning routine makes you want to throw up your hands in defeat and crawl back in bed, get proactive. A successful morning not only requires streamlining tasks in the a.m., but also plenty of planning the night before. Try these tips to help you — and the kids — get up and at ’em and out the door on time.

The Night Before 

Time your meds. Set your morning alarm clock a little early and place a topical nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory next to your bed. Apply it to your joints when your alarm goes off, then hit the snooze button – it can start working before you get up.   

Prep your wardrobe. Lay out your and the kids’ outfits, accessories and your dressing aids. Pre-tie neckties or scarves so you can slip them over your head. 

Pack it up. Have kids prepare and put their lunches in the fridge. Have homework checked, papers signed and backpacks and briefcases packed and by the door.  

Automate it. Program your coffee maker to have coffee ready when you are and keep “grab-and-go” breakfast foods, like hard-boiled eggs, fresh fruit and protein bars, ready to go. 


In the Morning 

Warm it up. Set your electric blanket or heating pad to come on shortly before wake-up time to help loosen stiff joints. Do gentle warmup exercises (see “Good Morning Moves” below) before you roll out of bed and use your shower time to further warm up any remaining stiffness.

Let it shine. Open your blinds as soon as you get up; the natural light will help you wake up.  

Work smarter. If necessary, plan activities for later in the day: Ask your employer if you can adjust your hours to start later, sign up for a later exercise class or swap favors with a neighbor to walk the kids to the bus stop or drive the kids to school.


Good Morning Moves

Stretching does wonders to increase your range of motion and rev up your circulation in the morning. These stretches can help you get going before you even get out of bed. Your joints will thank you.

Morning Star 

  • Lying on your back, slowly extend arms and legs to your sides. 
  • Exhale as you stretch your fingertips and toes.
  • Hold the stretch for 3 to 5 full breaths, in and out, and avoid arching your back. 

Knees to Chest 

  • Lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the bed, raise both knees toward your chest and exhale as you hug your knees.
  • Hold for 3 to 5 full breaths.  

* If arthritis affects your hips or back, raise one knee at a time, leaving the other knee bent. If you’ve had a hip replacement, check with your doctor before trying this move. 

Spinal Twist 

  • Lying on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the bed, bend right knee toward chest and hug it in.
  • Use left hand to guide your right leg across the body to your left side and relax as your hip comes slightly off the bed. Let your left leg relax.
  • Open right arm and turn head to the right as far as comfortably possible.
  • Hold for 3 to 5 full breaths and repeat on the left side. 

* If you’ve had a hip replacement, check with your doctor before trying this move. 


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